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Puerto Chale Pier in La Paz could cost up to 20 MDP

By Tribune Travel

May 23, 2023

The Puerto Chale pier will cost the city of La Paz 20 million pesos and may not be completed this year.

This is the first phase of the project, and the funds disbursed represent only 10 percent of the total cost of the work. The state government will contribute half of the budget.

The goal is to complete the pier this year. However, due to the financial difficulties faced, there may be cuts in the project and the construction of the pier may be postponed.

The pier is an urgent project for the community of Puerto Chale due to the increase in tourist activity at the site. During the whale watching season, the current infrastructure is overcrowded and tourists have to wait to board the boats.

With reporting by Andrea Villareal for Tribuna de México





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