Boy Band Project, a musical visual delight

By Gary Beck
December 30, 2021
They are the Boy Band Project. Their visits here have brought sold-out shows after many theater goers saw the show and spread the word. The appeal is for everyone who loves guys singing huge successful songs from Boy Bands. Such a band is a vocal and dancing group of boys, teenage to early twenties when assembled. The major appeal of their songs is to young teenage girls although the music can be so infective that people of all ages enjoy the freedoms expressed.
This is an all-gay boy band cover group that salutes the young groups as NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, One Direction and New Kids On The Block. The members of this project are The Sporty One – Chris Messina, The Boy Next Door – Travis Nesbitt, The Bad Boy – Daniel LeClaire and The Sensitive One – Bentley Black. They have been on television shows, cruises and in many concerts.
In a blazing flash of white, four men appeared ushering in the Season with NSYNC’s “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays”. Their synchronized dance movements revealed the countless hours of rehearsals and experimentations. They are one unit with delightful moving parts. Relishing this time of the year, the guys are mixing in some classic Holiday tunes to enjoy by the crackling fire, or the warm waves of the Banderas Bay. NSYNC (sales over 70 million) introduced the boy band theme immediately with “Tearin’ Up My Heart” which seemed to tear up the room. The music flowed into “I Want It That Way” from one of the very top boy bands Backstreet Boys who enjoyed sales over 100 million.
Tonight features a group of boys who met when they performed together in the Off-Broadway musical “Altar Boyz” and decided to create their own band to bring back the sounds of the ’90s by singing favorite boy band hits. The Project does an illustrious job of combining the smooth sweet vocals of the boy band sound with the persistent and driving dance beat. Reviving the spirit, the Boys went into “Funky, Funky Christmas” instead of a merry one. Hot beats and moves made this a sizzling Holiday tune. The lovely “(God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time On You” showcased their pure harmonies with each one having a different vocal range, blending their tones resulting in an impressive presentation. Calling for love, possibly under the mistletoe, the boys suggested to “Kiss Me At Midnight”.
Each man settled on a stool remarking that this is the favorite portion of the set, “Stool Time”. One takes a turn at a song, performing a portion followed by the next guy spotlighting another tune. This is an excellent method of introducing each of the four and showcasing more songs than if sung in entirety. The Holiday music continued then veered into honoring an early boy band, The Beach Boys, with the outstanding creation “God Only Knows”. The song has evolved into a yearlong favorite but tonight also took on a feeling of happy spirits.
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Most audience members remembered the Boy Bands which consisted of three to five young attractive guys, often chosen through auditions, whose appeal reminds people of the wild Beatlemania craze. Their songs were not poetic compositions but drove everyone crazy to dance, flail or move. Their intertwining patterns of dancing, turns, dips and shuffles are marked by slickly designed choreography. This was a night of joyful adoration of these four talented men.
Tonight’s paced slowed for the exquisite “My Heart Will Go On”. Their arrangement was unique, thrilling the listeners. So many singers have tackled this movie classic but no one has performed it quite like Boy Band Project. “Is it time to pump it up?” Waiting for no answer, the Boys went right into a standout Boy Band anthem, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”: “Rock your body right”, merging into New Kids On The Block (sales over 70 million) by presenting “You Got It (The Right Stuff)” demonstrating hot synchronized dancing while taking turns at the lead with the other guys supplementing harmonious backgrounds. “Step By Step” continued The New Kids tribute of strong rhythmic dance music and continued with “It’s Gonna Be Me (Every Little Thing I Do)”.
At the 2020 Broadway World Awards, the group won Best Original Song for “Jingle My Bells” and Best Ensemble Soloist, Chris Messina. The newest composition was discussed then sung to the audience. The four guys took turns asking for this desired Holiday Joy. Describing this tune as one of their favorite Holiday songs of the 90s, they graced the room with “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, made notoriously popular by Mariah Carey. She rocked through the land of reindeer and the boys were right on that sleigh. A stunning offering. Wham! featuring George Michael offered one of the Season’s ultimate laments of love gone away during this time of the year. “I gave you my heart. But the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special.”
We have reached the final song of the evening. To grand applause, they started “Story of My Life”, a crowd pleaser and very fine composition. The audience broke into a hand-clapping frenzy. “You want one more?” “But we don’t have one rehearsed” Naturally they did and said their adios to everyone with NSYNC’s “Bye Bye Bye”. Bye to the lover which the boys sing about but also to everyone assembled. But that is until the next visit.
More photos are available for viewing on my Facebook Shows group below.
The Palm Cabaret
Olas Altas 508
Romantic Zone – Southside
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
22nd Season
Show information: http://www.ThePalmCabaret.com
The box office is open from 11am-10pm.
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